A Note Prior to the Real Detail.
Anyone collecting the stamps of the colony should invest in a copy of the definitive catalogue for the stamps of Hong Kong which is "Yang's Postage Stamp & Postal History Catalogue of Hong Kong". This is the "local" catalogue, is easier to follow than the Stanley Gibbons equivalent and I denote Yang Catalogue numbers where applicable as well as SG for this reason.
A copy of this can usually be picked up on eBay quite cheaply and if you are not too concerned with an up to date valuation - which is in HK$ anyway - purchasing any year from 1998 onwards will always give you all the information you need on the stamps whilst it was a British Colony.
A Brief History of the Hong Kong QEII Definitive
The first Queen Elizabeth II defintives were issued on 5 January 1954 and the designs were changed five times before 1997 viz. 1962, 1973, 1982, 1987 and 1992.
The 1954 Wilding issue bears the Script CA watermark and a new watermarked paper bearing Crown Block CA was introduced by the Crown Agents for the 1962 Annigoni issue. A new watermark Crown Spiral CA appeared on the 1975 re-print of the Machin issue of 1973. The Multiple Crown CA watermark was used on the issue of 1982, and subsequently reprinted in 1985 with no watermark. No watermark paper was used for all subsequent definitives after 1985 (with one exception in 1994 - see below).
In 1987 the so called "Skyline Definitives" first appeared. There are several varieties of this issue as they were subsequently re-printed every year through to 1991 with marked differences to each. The identification of these are explained in a later section.
The primary interest of this site is the Machin Definitive issue distributed between 1992 and 1996.
On 26 February 1997, the first set of definitive stamps bearing just the inscriptions HONG KONG, the so-called "Neutral Definitives" without the Queens Head were issued prior to returning of sovereignty to China on 1 July 1997.
1992 - 1996 The 'Machin' Definitive
First issued on June 16th 1992 with a design based on the Arnold Machin bust also used on Great Britain definitives of the same period.
These were issued in two distinct issues in 1992 and 1996. The 1996 issues vary from the originals both by printing method and by the addition of Phosphor Bands. Both sets were printed by Enschedé with perfs of 14 x 14.75 with the exception of some of the booklet stamps which were perforated at 14 x 14.
Other booklet stamps were perforated at 14 x 14.75 but printed by Leigh-Mardon Ltd with a 'Multiple Crown CA Diagonal' watermark.
The 'Machin' Definitives were issued in Sheet, Coil, Booklet and Mini-sheet format.
The SG range is 702-717 (Photo) and 757-765 (Lithography), the equivalent Yang Catalogue numbers are 404-444.
So we already have a number of varieties to study.
1992 - 1996 The Machin Definitive - Detailed Listing
1992-1996 |
Example |
Photo |
Source |
Litho 1B |
Source |
Litho 2B |
Source |
WaterMk |
Source |
16.06.92 Y404 SG702
Sheet Coil
24.04.96 Y428 SG702ap
12.01.94 SG760
Booklet SB33
01.11.93 Y420 SG702b
24.04.96 Y429 SG702bbp
50c | |
16.06.92 Y405 SG703 | Sheet Coil | | | 24.04.96 Y430 SG703p | Sheet | | |
60c | |
16.06.92 Y406 SG704 | Sheet | | | | | | |
70c | |
16.06.92 Y407 SG705 | Sheet | | | | | | |
80c | |
16.06.92 Y408 SG706 | Sheet Coil | | | | | | |
90c | |
16.06.92 Y409 SG707 | Sheet Coil | | | | | | |
$1.00 | |
16.06.92 Y410 SG708 14.12.1993 SG757a | Sheet Coil Booklet SB30 | | | 24.04.96 Y431 SG708ap | Sheet | 12.01.94 SG761 | Booklet SB33 |
$1.10 | |
01.06.95 Y424 SG708b | Sheet | | | 24.04.96 Y432 SG708bbp | Sheet | | |
$1.20 | |
01.06.95 Y411 SG709 SG757ba | Sheet Coil Booklet SB36 | | | 24.04.96 Y433 SG709ap | Sheet | | |
$1.30 | |
01.11.93 Y421 SG709b | Sheet | | | 24.04.96 Y434 SG709bbp 02.09.1996 SG757ca SG757db | Sheet Coil Booklet SB40 SB46 | | |
$1.40 | |
| | | | 02.09.96 Y441 SG709c | Sheet | | |
$1.50 | |
01.06.95 Y425 SG709d | Sheet Coil | | | 24.04.96 Y435 SG709dp | Sheet | | |
$1.60 | |
| | | | 02.09.96 Y442 SG709e SG757db | Sheet Coil Booklet SB46 | | |
$1.70 | |
16.06.92 Y412 SG710 | Sheet | | | | | 12.01.94 SG762 | Booklet SB33 |
$1.80 | |
16.06.92 Y413 SG711 | Sheet Coil | | | | | 12.01.94 SG763 | Booklet SB33 |
$1.90 | |
01.11.93 Y422 SG711a 14.12.1993 SG758a | Sheet Coil Booklet SB31 | | | 24.09.96 Y436 SG711ap | Sheet | | |
$2.00 | |
16.06.92 Y414 SG712 | Sheet | | | 24.09.96 Y437 SG712ap | Sheet | 12.01.94 SG764 | Booklet SB33 |
$2.10 | |
01.06.95 Y426 SG712b SG758ba | Sheet Coil Booklet SB37 | 24.09.96 Y438 SG712bp | Sheet | 02.09.96 Y438a SG712bq | Sheet | | |
$2.30 | |
16.06.92 Y415 SG713 | Sheet Coil | | | | | | |
$2.40 | |
01.11.93 Y423 SG713a 14.12.1993 SG759a | Sheet Coil Booklet SB32 | | | | | | |
$2.50 | |
| | 02.09.96 Coil SG759ba | Booklet SB41 | 02.09.96 Y443 SG713b | Sheet Booklet | | |
$2.60 | |
01.06.95 Y427 SG713c SG759ba | Sheet Coil Booklet SB38 | 24.09.96 Y439 SG713cp | Sheet | | | | |
$3.10 | |
| | 02.09.96 Y444 SG713d SG759da | Sheet Coil Booklet SB42 SB46 | | | | |
$5.00 | |
16.06.92 Y416 SG714 | Sheet | 14.02.97 - SG759e | Booklet SB46 | 24.09.96 Y440 SG714p 1B | Sheet | 12.01.94 SG765 | Booklet SB33 |
$10 | |
16.06.92 Y417 SG715 | Sheet | | | | | | |
$20 | |
16.06.92 Y418 SG716 | Sheet | | | | | | |
$50 | |
16.06.92 Y419 SG717 | Sheet | | | | | | |
'Machin' Definitives from Mini-Sheets
Definitives No.5 |
Classics No.2 |
Definitives No.6 |
Definitives No.7 |
Definitives No.8 |
Definitives No.9 |
1992 |
1993 |
1993 |
1993 |
1994 |
1994 |
Y-C63M |
Y-C65M |
Y-C66M |
Y-C67M |
Y-C71M |
Y-C73M |
MS723 |
MS745 |
MS746 |
MS751 |
MS771 |
MS782 |
Definitives No.10 |
Classics No.6 |
Exhibition No.1 |
Exhibition No.2 |
Exhibition No.3 |
Olympics |
1995 |
1995 |
1996 |
1996 |
1996 |
1996 |
Y-C76M |
Y-C77M |
Y-C78M |
Y-C80M |
Y-C82M |
Y-C83M |
MS810 |
MS811 |
MS821 |
MS827 |
MS841 |
MS842 |
Classics No.3 |
Classics No.4 |
Classics No.5 |
Classics No.7 |
Classics No.8 |
Classics No.9 |
1994 |
1994 |
1994 |
1997 |
1997 |
1997 |
Y-C68M |
Y-C69M |
Y-C70M |
Y-C85M |
Y-C86M |
Y-C87M |
SB30 |
SB30 |
SB30 |
SB43 |
SB43 |
SB43 |
1987 - 1991 The 'SkyLine' Definitive
These definitives were produced over a 5 year period and each year can be distinguished easily. In the case of 1987/1988, the former show the Queen with a deeply shaded chin whereas in the issue of a year later - the chin has been considerably lightened.
From 1989-91 the year date has been added to the bottom right corner of the stamp. Note: the $10 stamps of 1990 and 1991 pictured are not to scale (in actuality about a third larger than the low values)
_MS.jpg) |
Shaded Chin |
Light Chin |
Date Bottom |
Date Bottom |
Date Bottom |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
1990 |
1991 |
Y320 |
Y339 |
Y356 |
Y378 |
Y393 |
SG545A |
SG546cB |
SG609 |
- |
- |