10. Machin ½p - WIP

Machins Elliptical Definitives ½p - 9½p
Machin Definitive Stamp Album

Email your Wants List by clicking on the title above.

Section II - "Decimal Non-Elliptical" issues
(1p to £5)

Definitive stamps from 1967 to date. I am adding these to my sales lists as time permits. If the colour of the "Date.Ref No" is anything but green it is already in my sales catalogue and clicking on it - will take you straight to it.

(½p - 9½p) - All are perforation 15x14 unless otherwise indicated in Info column
Value/SG No Date.Ref DG No SG SP Phos Prt Info
½p (P)


½p OCP turquoise-blue


1971.000.5.01 5.2.1 U46 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.01 is 250 Screen from Sheets cyls 2 or 4. Unless stated otherwise all others in this section are 150 Screen.
1971.000.5.02 5.3.1 U46 2B H
1971.000.5.03 5.3.1a U46b BBL H
  • 1971.000.5.02/03 are Type 1 printed Sideways Right (SR) and originate from mixed value 10p booklets (DN46-48).
1971.000.5.04 5.3.2 U46 2B H
1971.000.5.05 5.3.2a U46b BBR H
  • 1971.000.5.04/05 are Type 1 printed Sideways Left (SL) and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN46-48).
1971.000.5.06 - USB1b 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.06 has 'two heavy lines under chin' error and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN46-48) r2/1.
1971.000.5.07 - USB1c 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.07 has 'two heavy lines under chin (retouched)' error and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN46-48) r2/1.
1971.000.5.08 5.3.3 U46 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.08 all have upright (U) printing originating from single value panes in 25p & 50p booklets (DH39-43, DT1-3).
1971.000.5.09 5.3.4 U46 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.09 all have inverted (I) printing originating from single value panes in 25p & 50p booklets (DH39-43, DT1-3).
1971.000.5.10 - USB23b 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.10 has 'retouch below diadem at right' and originates from single value panes in 50p booklets (DT1-3)
1971.000.5.11 - USB23c 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.11 has 'damage to the right of the central cross. and originates from single value panes in 50p booklets (DT1-3)
1971.000.5.12 5.3.5 U46c 2B H
1971.000.5.13 5.3.5a U46cb BBL H
  • 1971.000.5.12/13 are Type 2 printed Sideways Right (SR) and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN49-50).
1971.000.5.14 - USB2d 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.14 has 'forehead retouch' error and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN49-50) r1/1
1971.000.5.15 5.3.6 U46c 2B H
1971.000.5.16 5.3.6a U46cb BBR H
  • 1971.000.15/16 are Type 2 printed Sideways Left (SL) and originates from mixed value 10p booklets (DN49-50).
1971.000.5.17 - U46d 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.17 has 'spur on foot of P' error (cyl 2 no dot) - 250 screen.
1971.000.5.18 - U46e 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.18 has 'deformed base to 2' error (cyl 2 dot) - 250 screen.
1971.000.5.19 - U46f 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.19 has 'dark flaw below collar' error (cyl 2 dot) - 250 screen.
1971.000.5.20 - U46h 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.20 has 'white patch on shoulder' error (1st ½p on 10p G3 coil - rolls 8 or 10).
1971.000.5.21 - U46i 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.21 has 'vertical scratch behind head' error (2nd ½p on 10p G3 coil - roll 10).
1971.000.5.22 - U46j 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.22 has 'coloured lines behind shoulder' error (1st ½p on 10p G3 coil - roll 8).
1971.000.5.23 - U46k 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.23 has 'deformed base to 2' error (1st ½p on 10p G3 coil).
1971.000.5.24 - U46l 2B H
  • 1971.000.5.24 has 'retouch by dress' error (1st ½p on 10p G3 coil - roll 10).
1977.000.5.01 5.3.7 U46 2B H
  • 1977.000.5.01 source comment to go here.
1971.000.5.25 - 1971.000.5.29 - Deliberately left blank to allow for minor varieties not yet listed.
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1971.000.5.30 5.1.1 U47 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.30-39 are all from 5p multi-value G1 and G2 coils.
  • 1971.000.5.30-33 are printed Sideways Left (SL).
1971.000.5.31 5.1.1a U47a MP H CL
  • 1971.000.5.31 has phosphor omitted.
1971.000.5.32 5.1.1b U47b BBL H CL
  • 1971.000.5.32 has inset left band.
1971.000.5.33 5.1.1c U47b BBR H CL
  • 1971.000.5.33 has inset right band.
1971.000.5.34 5.1.2 U47 2B H CL
1971.000.5.35 5.1.2a U47 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.34/35 are printed Sideways Right (SR).
  • 1971.000.5.35 is printed on Thin (Thrissell) paper from coil G2a.
1971.000.5.36 5.1.3 U47 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.36 is Silicone Coated from G1 coil.
1971.000.5.37 - U47c 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.37 has 'missing pearl in necklace' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil).
1971.000.5.38 - U47d 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.38 has 'shoulder scratch' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil - roll 8).
1971.000.5.39 - U47i 2B H CL
  • 1971.000.5.39 has 'vertical scratch behind head' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil - roll 8).
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1971.000.5.34 5.4.1 U48 2B H BP
1971.000.5.34 5.4.1 U48 2B H -
1972.000.5.34 5.4.1 U48 2B H -
1971.000.5.34 5.5.1 U48 2B H -
  • 5.5.1 is 250 Screen the rest are 150 Screen.
  • 5.4.1 is printed Upright (U) .
  • 5.1.1b has inset left band.
  • 5.1.1c has inset right band.
  • 5.1.2/5.1.3 are printed Sideways Right (SR).
  • 5.1.2a is printed on Thin (Thrissell) paper.
  • 5.1.3 is Silicone Coated from G1 coil.
  • U47c has 'missing pearl in necklace' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil).
  • U47d has 'shoulder scratch' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil - roll 8).
  • U47e has 'vertical scratch behind head' error (2nd ½p on 5p coil - roll 8).
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1972.000.5.01 5.1 U49 2B H -
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1973.000.5.01 5.1 U50 2B H -
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1972.000.5.01 5.1 U51 LB H -
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1977.000.5.02 5.1 U52 2B H BP
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1977.000.5.02 5.1 U53 CB H BP
½p (P)


½p turquoise-blue


1980.000.5.02 5.1 U54 PCP H -

1p crimson

X844 2B H (P)
X845 CB H (P)
X846 AOP H (P)
X847 LB H (P)
X847Ea RB H (P)
X925 PCP H (P)

1½p black

X848 2B H (P)
2p (wide)

2p myrtle-green/emerald green

X849 2B H (P)
X850 AOP H (P)
X926 PCP H (P)
X1000 PCP Q (L) 14
X1000a PCP Q (L)
2p (narrow)

2p deep green/myrtle-green

X927 PCP H (P)
X928 PCP H (P)
X1001 PCP Q (L)
X1050 PCP W (L) 14 ¹

2½p magenta

X851 CB H (P)
X852/Ea L/RB H (P)
X853 2B H (P)

2½p rose-red

X854 2B H (P)
X929 PCP H (P)

  1. Items marked ¹ are Booklet stamps with one or two sides imperforate
  2. Stamps are printed with: (2B) 2 phosphor bands, (CB) centre band, (LB or RB) left or right bands, or on (PCP) phosphorised paper or with (AOP) "all over phosphor".
  3. Printed by (E) Jon Enschedé en Zonen, (H) Harrison & Sons, (Q) Questa Colour Security Printers,(W) Walsall Security Printers, (JW) John Waddington Security Print or (DLR) De La Rue.
  4. Printing methods used are (P) photogravure or (L) lithography.
  5. Phosphor bands are printed vertically on the face of the stamp and are visible under UV radiation or at an oblique angle to a light source.
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