23. Machin (E) 30p-39p

Machins Elliptical Definitives 30p - 39p
Machin Definitive Stamp Album

Email your Wants List by clicking on the title above.

Section III - "Decimal Elliptical" issues (1p to £5)

Definitive stamps from 1967 to date. I am adding these to my sales lists as time permits. If the colour of the Date.Ref column is anything but green it is already in my sales catalogue and clicking on it - will take you straight to it.

(30p - 39p) - All are perforation 15x14 unless otherwise indicated in Info column
Value/SG No Date.Ref DG No SG SP Phos Prt Info
30p (G)


30p deep olive-grey

1993.030.01 300.2.1 U317 2B(Y) E
1994.030.01 300.2.2 U317b 2B(Y) E
1995.030.01 300.2.3 U317c 2B(Y) E
1996.030.01 300.4.1 U318 2B(B) E
1996.030.02 300.4.1a U319 2B(B) E
1997.030.01 300.5.1 U320 2B H
1998.030.01 300.6.1 U321 2B W BP
  • 300.4.1a has a White Back.
  • 300.6.1 is from the books of 4 (GGA1 and 2).
30p (L)


30p Q deep olive-grey

1995.030.02 300.3 UG80 2B Q BP
  • 300.3 is from the National Trust Prestige Book (DX17).
31p (G)


31p deep mauve

1996.031.01 310.6 U327 2B E
1997.031.01 310.7 U328 2B H
  • 310.1 has a White Back.
31p (G)


31p OFPP deep mauve

2000.031.01 310.8 - PCP D MS
33p (G)


33p grey-green

2000.033.01 330.7 U334 2B D
2003.033.01 330.8.1 U335 2B D
2003.033.02 330.8.2 U336 2B D
  • 330.8.1 has Layflat Gum (less curl than 330.8.2).
34p (G)


34p lime-green

2003.034.01 340.7.1 U343 2B D
2003.034.02 340.7.2 U343 2B D
2003.034.03 340.7.3 U343 2B D
35p (G)


35p yellow

1993.035.01 350.3.1 U347 2B(Y) E
1994.035.01 350.3.2 U347b 2B(Y) E
1995.035.01 350.3.3 U347c 2B(Y) E
1995.035.02 350.8.1 U349 2B(B) E
35p (G)


35p CL yellow

1993.035.02 350.4 U348 PCP H CL
35p (L)


35p W yellow

1993.035.03 350.5.1 UG90 2B(Y) W BP
1994.035.02 350.5.2 UG91 2B(Y) W BP
1994.035.03 350.5.4 UG92 2B(Y) W BP
1995.035.03 350.7.1 UG93 2B(B) W BP
1996.035.01 350.7.2 UG94 2B(B) W BP
1995.035.04 350.6 UG95 2B(Y) Q BP
  • 350.5.1 has two 3mm Inset Bands and is only found in book of 4 (GK5) - known as Layout A.
  • 350.5.2 has one 3mm Inset Band at Left, one side-band at right and is only found in book of 4 (GK5a) - known as Layout B.
  • 350.5.3 has two normal 4mm Bands and is only found in books of 4 (GK5b and GK6) - known as Layout C.
  • 350.7.1 has two normal 4mm Bands and is only found in books of 4 (GK6a) - known as Layout C.
  • 350.7.2 has one 3mm Inset Band at Left, one side-band at right and is only found in book of 4 (GK7) - known as Layout B.
  • The three Yellow Fluor issues can be even more easily identified from Cylinder booklets (and a copy of the Deegam CD on your PC).
  • 350.6 is from the National Trust Prestige Book (DX17).
35p (G)


35p sepia

2004.035.01 350.9.1 U350 2B D
2004.035.02 350.9.2 U351 2B D
2004.035.03 350.9.3 U351 2B D
  • 350.9.1 has Layflat Gum (less curl than 350.9.2).
  • Can be identified in cylinder blocks; 350.9.1 is D1, whilst 350.9.2 and 350.9.3 is D2.
35p (G)


35p yellow-olive

2005.035.01 350.10.1 U352 CB E
2006.035.01 350.10.2 U352 CB E
2005.035.02 350.11.1 U353 CB D
2005.035.03 350.11.2 U353 CB D
2005.035.04 350.11.3 U354 CB D
  • Enschedé (350.10.1) issued a short run of this stamp from 5th April 2005 as DLR could not provide it when required. (Enschedé paper is much whiter than DLR).
  • DLR (350.11.1) printed from 4th July but did not issue until later (bluish gum).
  • A second DLR version (350.11.2) with cream gum on RMS paper was printed from 24th July 2005.
  • 350.10.2 is only found in the Brunel Prestige Book (DX37). SG Specialised doesn't differentiate between this stamp and the sheet issue.
36p (G)


36p Ultramarine

1993.036.01 360.1.1 U357 2B E
1994.036.01 360.1.2 U357b 2B E
1995.036.01 360.1.3 U357c 2B E
37p (G)


37p bright mauve

1996.037.01 370.2 U361 2B E
1996.037.02 370.4 U362 2B H CL
1997.037.01 370.7.1 U363 2B H -
1997.037.02 370.7.2 U363 2B H CL
1997.037.03 370.6 U364 2B W BP
  • 370.2 has a White Back and 9.5mm Phosphor Bands.
  • SG Specialised does not differentiate between the Sheet issue (370.7.1) and the Coil issue (370.7.2).
  • 270.6 can only be found in booklets GL3 and GL4.
37p (L)


37p W bright mauve

1996.037.03 370.3.1 UG96 2B W BP
1996.037.04 370.3.2 UG96a 2B W BP
1997.037.04 370.5.1 UG96b 2B W BP
1997.037.05 370.5.2 UG96ba 2B W BP
  • 370.3.1 has one 3mm Inset Band at Left, one side-band at right and is only found in book of 4 (GL1) - known as Layout B.
  • 370.3.2 has one 3mm Inset Band at Right, one side-band at left and is only found in book of 4 (GL1).
  • 370.5.1 has one 3mm Inset Band at Left, one side-band at right and is only found in book of 4 (GL2) - known as Layout B but react to Long-Wave Ultra-Violet.
  • 370.5.2 has one 3mm Inset Band at Right, one side-band at left and is only found in book of 4 (GL2) but react to Long-Wave Ultra-Violet.
37p (G)


37p grey-black

2002.037.01 370.8 U365 2B D
2003.037.01 370.9.1 U366 2B D
2004.037.01 370.9.2 U367 2B D
  • 370.9.1 uses Layflat Gum which is a bluish matt and dull in comparison with 370.9.2 which is shiny. Although this issue is from the "Byfleet" series it is only known on Intermediate paper (TRI).
  • 370.9.3 is from the Letters By Night Prestige Book (DX32).
37p (G)


37p brown-olive

2006.037.01 370.10 U368 CB D
38p (G)


38p rosine

1993.038.01 380.1.1 U371 2B(Y) E
1994.038.01 380.1.2 U371b 2B(Y) E
1994.038.02 380.2.1 U371c 2B(Y) E
1995.038.01 380.1.3 U371bx 2B(Y) E
1996.038.01 380.3.1 U372 2B(B) E
  • 1993.038.01 has bright yellow (AY1) fluor, is only found in sheets from cyl 1.
  • 1994.038.01 has pale yellow (AY2) fluor and is only found in sheets from cyl 2.
  • 1994.038.02 has "Novaglo" pale yellow (A2Y) fluor which gives an afterglow with both long and short-wave ultra-violet and is only found in sheets from cyl 2.
  • 1995.038.01 has very pale yellow (AY3) fluor and is only found in sheets from cyl 2.
38p (G)


38p ultramarine

1999.038.01 380.4 U373 2B D
1999.038.02 380.5.1 U374 2B W BP
  • 380.5.1 is from booklet of 4 (GLA1).
38p (G)


38p W14 ultramarine

2000.038.01 380.5.2 U375 2B W 14
  • 380.5.2 is only found in Special by Design Prestige booklet (DX24). The coloured part of this stamp is 0.5mm smaller than normal issues. This was caused by a computer software glitch.
39p (G)


39p bright magenta

1996.039.01 390.5 U378 2B E
1997.039.01 390.6 U379 2B H
  • 390.5 has white gum.
39p (G)


39p OFPP bright magenta

2000.039.01 390.7 - PCP D MS
39p (G)


39p grey

2004.039.01 390.8.1 U380 2B D
2004.039.02 390.8.2 U381 2B D
2004.039.03 390.8.3 U381 2B D
2005.039.01 390.9 U382 2B W BP
  • 390.8.1 uses Layflat Gum which is a bluish matt and dull in comparison with 370.8.3 which is shiny. Can be identified from a cylinder block as 390.8.1 is only found in cylinder D1.
  • 390.8.2 and 390.8.3 both originaste from cylinder D2.
  • 390.9 is from the Bronte Sisters Prestige Book (DX34).

  1. The above listing is only intended to be used as a Deegam to SG Specialised comparison. Please let me know of any errors you spot. It is NOT intended to be a complete listing of the Deegam Handbook.
  2. I do not include short or inset bands unless this is the "normal" state, as there has to be a limit to the listing. For a complete list of varieties of each stamp you will need to purchase the Deegam Handbook obtainable by sending an email to: Douglas Myall
  3. All are issued as Sheet stamps only unless the "INFO" column shows any of the following; Items with "BP" are stamps found in Booklet Panes only, "CL" are stamps found in Coil format or "MS" are stamps found in Miniature Sheets only.
  4. In addition the "INFO" column will identify the different paper brightness varieties from the sheet issues of the "Byfleet" era of 2003-2004. Bright Paper will be signified by "TRB", Intermediate Paper by "TRI" and Dull Paper by "TRD". Change to Royal Mail Specification paper is signified by "TRB".
  5. Printed (PRT) by (E) Jon Enschedé en Zonen, (H) Harrison & Sons, (Q) Questa Colour Security Printers, (W) Walsall Security Printers, (JW) John Waddington Security Print, (D) De La Rue or (C) Cartor.
  6. Printing methods used (next to the value) are "(G), (L) or (R)" representing Gravure (or Photogravure), Lithography or Recess respectively.
  7. Phosphor bands (PHOS) are printed vertically on the face of the stamp and are visible under UV radiation or at an oblique angle to a light source. Stamps are printed with: (2B) 2 phosphor bands, (CB) centre band, (LB or RB) left or right bands, or on (PCP) phosphorised paper.
  8. The use of "(Y) or (B)" in the "PHOS" column indicates "Yellow" or "Blue" Fluorescence. This is only used if more than one type exists within any one variant.
  9. The ""U", "4mm" or "2mm" notations in the "INFO" column are to differentiate particular varieties of certain Enschedé stamps where U = Unvarnished, 4mm = 4mm Varnish and 2mm = 2mm varnish. More detail on Enschedé stamps can be found in
    4. Enschedé Definitives
  10. Images are representative only and the Date shows first year of issue.
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